Lord of the Harvest 14 Day
Comeback Consecration and Prayer Guide & Instructions
January 2025
This Year's Intent for our Corporate Consecration is for the body as a whole to come into Alignment, Agreement, and to be Prepared to PURSUE, OVERTAKE, & RECOVER ALL that God has for us in The Year of the Comeback!
It's important to remember, this sacrificial consecration is for the purpose of shedding the Mental, Physical, & Spiritual Weight that hinders our ability to move at the maximum speed God is calling us to move in.
Please Join us in this sacrificial endeavor to please God and invoke God's presence in all that we do.
“Then Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself [determinedly, as his vital need] to seek the
Lord; he proclaimed a fast in all Judah.” II Chronicles 20:3 (Amplified)
The body of believers at Lord of the Harvest will spend 14 days in fasting and
prayer for the purpose of seeking God, drawing closer to Him and obtaining
spiritual breakthroughs. In uniting together during this time of corporate fasting,
we are expecting to go to the next level of His glory to see a Greater Work for a Greater Reward demonstrating God’s miraculous power and presence in our lives and in the life of this ministry.
Instructions for Lord of the Harvest 14 Day Comeback Consecration!
- Foundational Scripture: Is 58:6-9; Eph. 2:10
{Disclosure Statement: If you have health challenges, use wisdom during this
consecration and follow your medical prescribed plan! Whatever you do, do it as a
sacrifice and God will accept it. Consecration is all about sacrifice to hear the voice
of God!}
- Corporately we are fasting food and not water! So drink plenty of water during this fast!
- Eating one moderate meal per day, at the time of your choosing, again if you don’t normally eat breakfast and you fast breakfast; that would not be a sacrifice. Again it must be a sacrifice! Starting Monday January 6th thru Sunday January 19th .
- Prayer and confessions are vitally important and a major part of this consecration!Therefore, I have listed fourteen prayer Initiatives for this consecration period:
- Praying for Continued Wisdom in Leadership for Senior Pastor Aaron & Joni and Bishop Steven & Dr. Marlene Williams.
- Praying a prayer covering over our 1 st Family and Entire Congregation.
- Praying for faithfulness and one accord in our church leadership
- Praying for the salvation and protection of family members.
- Praying for manifestation of Kingdom success & Abundance as we move into the Year of the COMEBACK!
- Praying for and warding off all attacks against Marriages and Relationship.
- Praying for God’s anointing of wisdom and prosperity in our lives and for our children.
- Praying for God’s blessing on Lord of the Harvest outreach efforts to reach the lost and the Unchurched and the community as a whole!
- Praying for Bondages to be broken off the lives of God people.
- Praying for protection against Sickness & Disease, and for the Covering over our children in schools; and for violence to stop in this City and Nation.
- Praying for God’s hand upon our nation and wisdom for our leaders.
- Praying for God to bless the people with Abundance in Finance & Health.
- Praying for the resources for all of our needs to be met individually & Collectively.
- Praying for our church to Grow with community through the spirit of Ministry, Discipleship, Worship, Evangelism, and Fellowship.
Your sincere efforts will produce Anointed & Accelerated results!
God’s servant and your Pastor,
Lead Pastor Aaron Williams